A Traveler's Blog

Do you want to visit Alamosa like you know a local?  Here is your chance!  Enjoy the following feature articles written by a traveler enjoying some hidden (and not so hidden) treasures around the San Luis Valley. 

Del Norte Trail Showcase


Scientists, by our nature, are always on the quest to discover something, not always for money and fame, or to support an ego, but to better humankind, or like me, for fun! By running with a number of elite runners at the Del Norte Trail Showcase I believe I have theoretically discovered a new human gene, not yet mapped by the Human Genome Project.

Ever wonder how humans that are fast on mountain bikes or in their running shoes get fast? Short of pharmaceutical enhancement, as most cheaters are now getting caught, what makes some athletes faster than the rest of us? Continue for my incredible theory, sure to put me in the scientific annals of 2016 and revered by history! But first, a few easy science notes in physics, math and biology.

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May Day Play Day in Canyon De Penitente

The title rhymes if Penitente is pronounced in Spanish with the 'e's being long 'a's as in English. Fun with words and languages. Unlike the mountains surrounding the San Luis Valley, as well as the Great Sand Dunes, Penitente Canyon hides from view until you are actually in it. One of its charms!

On the first Saturday of May, a dry heave hurricane was blowing in from the Southwest as I drove north on Highway 285 heading north from Monte Vista. Several tumbleweeds 'attacked' my car at high speeds as they were doing what they do best in high winds, tumble! One hit my car door and exploded and the other got lodged in my grill. All part of the fun when driving in the spring! This is how tumbleweeds spread their seeds.

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Journey to the Oldest Town in Colorado

My uncle, in describing his family's visit to the Holy Land a few years ago, said, "It's like seeing the bible in 3D!" In three dimensions of course, as they toured many of the places from the scriptures. Made sense, though my mental picture of Easter and the Resurrection was in Sunday School, Easter Holiday celebrations, pictures, paintings, and the many artistic versions of the film industry making movies about the life of Christ.

On what would have been my dad's 88th birthday, I was able to make the visit to San Luis, the oldest town in Colorado dating to 1851, and make my own pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Stations of the Cross. Settled by the Spanish, early residents of San Luis battled the high desert mountain climate, Native Americans (sadly), and other obstacles to establish this community on the western side of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

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Migration of a Traveler


The out of state license plate read - BRDYMBL (The meaning should be obvious, but, Birdy Mobile is how I read the license plate unless the Brady Bunch happened to be at the Crane Festival in their 'mobile' and perhaps touring with the Partridge Family - showing my age!) - Met the older couple who owned the SUV. Yep, they were serious about their bird watching! Retired, traveling around, and following the birds. Armed with cameras, binoculars, and a small telescope, their birding lifestyle gets them off the couch and out and about. Works well for them and they obviously love what they do. Taking pictures of birds is their thing.

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Observing the Sandhill Cranes


Migrations for many animal species on land, in water, and in the air are quite remarkable. For Sandhill Cranes, they have the anatomical abilities with six foot wing spans, hollow bones, long legs, and light, streamlined bodies to fly long distances and to have the built- in migration 'software' inside their brains. These evolutionary tools have been refined and changed over many generations to insure the survival of the species. It is an ongoing process, for if a species can stay put in one place and survive, it is advantageous to do so. How did the process actually begin? The driving forces for migration are the same as are the needs for humans, food, water, shelter, clothing and an environment in which to raise a family.

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Take a Break, It's Spring!

Mid-March means calendar winter is nearly over. The weather is warm and sunny somewhere. This is a time to renew our spirits and contemplate whatever the first fifth of 2016 has given us. And for all of us, college students or not, we all need a break! Traveler's scatter according to their interests and priorities. Many flock to ocean beaches, others flock to find good spring snow conditions, while others, like me, have a well-defined traveling goal of 'spontaneous wandering.'

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San Luis Valley: Gateway and Pathway


A person could explore the San Luis Valley for a lifetime and not see it all. Alamosa is a gateway city to the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, a bunch of 14 thousand foot peaks and plenty of lower mountains, hot springs, and many other places for adventurous activities. But, wherever we live, it helps to get away once in a while to achieve a proper perspective about the places in which we do reside. To appreciate the explorers and traders, who used the San Luis Valley for a pathway to reach points beyond, it is important to have an understanding of who they were, the places from where they came, and their reasons for passing through a place.

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Spring Has Sprung! Alamosa Open Space Trails

Early March in Colorado, after a warm and dry February, has exposed the waters of the Rio Grande from its icy lid and the river is flowing steady, silent and dark. Worth a stroll, a run, a bike ride or taking your dog for a walk along its bank trails to take in the sights and sounds of the water and all else that goes with the trails of the Alamosa City Ranch Trail System. Soon, the snowpack in the high mountains will begin melting, putting more water in the river, and greening up the valley. We take what weather Mother Nature gives us because we have no choice. Could be an early spring, but, we've seen late March and April make a triumphant return to winter in previous years! Hard to believe that 5 weeks earlier we were having the Rio Frio Ice Fest and we were running on the river.

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Fremont Haunt 2016

One good thing about events in human history is that they actually happened, for better or worse. Historians, and 'eye witnesses,' tell the stories of events from their perspectives. However, these written or verbal accounts do not guarantee accuracy of what happened, but do give an overall timeline and an approximately true account of ill-fated adventures. Such is the case of John C. Fremont's 4th expedition, as it is known, to locate a railroad route from St. Louis to San Francisco in the winter of 1848-1849 on the 38th Parallel, which happens to be, straight through the San Juan Mountains!

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