• USA Top Ten BadgeAlamosa, Colorado Logo

    Step into the Extraordinary and Stay a While. 

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Blanc PeakThe "Rocky Mountain High" starts here in the San Luis Valley, both geographically from the south and culturally as the state's oldest region. The valley is ringed by ranges on all sides, jagged and gothic to the north, undulating and statuesque to the east and west, and rolling desert hills and mesas to the south - all treating visitors with a unique 360-degree Colorado experience. Most of our fourteeners are scalable by trails ranging from light day-hikes to multi-day technical climbs.

Find out more about our Fourteeners: Blanca Peak and Ellingwood Point, Crestone Peak and Crestone Needle, Culebra Peak, Humbolt Peak, Kit Carson Peak and Challenger Point, Little Bear Peak, Mt. Lindsey, and San Luis Peak.

Interested in bagging Colorado Fourteeners? Explore further at fourteeners.org, coloradofourteeners.org, or 14ers.com.


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